Steam Jet Ejector System, Liquid Jet Vacuum Ejector Manufacturer From India


Steam Jet & Liquid Jet Ejector System

Steam Jet & Liquid Jet Ejector System

Product Description

Steam Jet Ejectors + Liquid Jet Ejector System has been utilized to attain vacuum a maximum amount of 759 mm of Hg with the help of certain motive fluids like water and steam. This industrial system has been extensively used in various industries such as chemical process, fertilizers, power etc. At first, the Liquid Jet Ejector produces 759 mm of hg and after that, the steam jet ejector has helped to increase the vacuum at the maximum level of 759 mm of Hg.

This system has been outlined based on the process requirements and the load of the vapour. It has several beneficial features as it is very easy to install and the maintenance cost is very low as there is no moving tool or part attached with it. Anyone can operate this effortlessly.

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